Margaret Echols
SBA Settlements
Margaret Echols is a native of Memphis, Tennessee. Her career in finance started right out of high school at the National Bank of Commerce in 1980 as an Account Information Clerk.
In 1985, Margaret joined Morgan Keegan as a data entry clerk. Within a couple of weeks, her role switched to Assistant to the Municipal Trading Desk, giving her an increasing repertoire of skills. After a few years, she became a valuable part of the Secondary Market/Repo Trading Desk. In June of 2012, Margaret assisted with establishing the Secondary Market Trading Desk and operated the Secondary Market Operations Department for Stifel Nicolaus/Stifel Bank and Trust.
Margaret joined Banes Capital Group in November of 2020, bringing 41 plus years of Fixed Income Capital Market/Banking experience and significant knowledge of Secondary Market products. Margaret is versatile, self-motivated, and creative. She firmly believes that life and family are priceless.
Direct: +1 (901) 261-5936